Monthly Archives: June 2019


Sunday September 29, 2019 9am registration starts at the memorial at Rose Tree. Kickstands up at 11am. Finish at Tom & Jerry. Poker hands as well (4 cards at start, last card at finish),  $500-$300-$100 prizes. $30 per bike (includes t-shirt), passengers $15. 2nd t-shirt is $20. Lunch included.

The Italian Heritage Festival at Rose Tree 2019

Thank you to Tracy Price and all the organizers of the Italian Heritage Festival for naming the Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation and the Firefighters & EMS Memorial Foundation as two of their charitable organizations for this year’s festival at Rose Tree park. We would also like to thank them for giving Rich Heffernan (President of the Firefighters & EMS memorial) and Jim Reardon (President of the Law Enforcement memorial) the opportunity to talk about the memorials, how each got started, and their mission. It was a very nice time.

Memorial Organizations

The Delaware County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization, organized and overseen by Delaware County Law Enforcement Officers, Survivors and Supporters. We maintain a memorial monument in Delaware County to honor our Law Enforcement Officers who died in the line of duty.