Article 1


1. The name of this organization shall be the:


2. The official address being:

          PO Box 101. Media, Pa. 19063.

          (2 PO Box keys are held by the President and the treasurer. All Executive

          Officers and Board Members are listed with Post Office for access to box).

Article 2

Purpose and Mission Statement

1.  To honor the memories of those in or associated with Delaware County Law

     Enforcement who laid down their lives to protect the citizenry of Delaware


2. To provide continued support to the families of our fallen heroes.

3. To create and maintain a permanent memorial, where all citizens may reflect

     upon those who made the supreme sacrifice.

Article 3


1. Shall be open to any active, retired, or part time Law Enforcement officers in

    Delaware County or those officers associated with the foundation.

    Membership shall also include our fallen hero’s survivors and those employed

    in the law enforcement community. All others would be subjected to an

    Associate Membership.

2. Membership must subscribe to the purpose and mission of this Foundation.

3. New members shall be subject to review by the membership committee.

4. Membership may be terminated for just cause by actions deemed detrimental

     to the purpose and mission of this foundation.

5. A special committee shall investigate and review the allegations and

     recommend a cause of action.

Article 4


1. The Executive Officers shall consist of the following:

         A). President

         B). First Vice President

         C). Second Vice President

         D). Treasurer

         E). Secretary

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of 10 (Ten) members as defined in Article 3,

     Section 1 of the By-Laws.

3. The Board of Directors shall be nominated by the General Membership and

     voted on by the Membership to a 4 year term.

4. The Executive Officers shall hold office for 4 (Four) years.

5. The Executive Officer positions of President, First Vice President, and Second

     Vice President, shall advance upward following their 4 year term, with the

     outgoing President moving to the position of Immediate Past President.

6. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer shall be considered open elected

     positions after each 4 year term.

7. The Immediate Past President, along with former Past Presidents shall hold the

     same responsibilities as the Board of Directors.

8. The Executive Officers shall be charged with the duties and daily operations of

     the Foundation.

9. Should an Executive Officer step down from their position, the president shall

    appoint a replacement with a member in good standing to the completion of

    that 4 year term.

Article 5

Duties of Executive Officers

1.  President

          A). The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation.

                He/she shall preside at all meetings of the general body. He/she shall

                have no vote on any question that may come up at a meeting except in

                the case of a tie, when he/she shall cast the deciding vote.

          B). The President shall approved (via email or written) all checks, together

                with a signature of the Treasurer, not to exceed the amount of $5000.00.

                Any single expenditure over the amount of $5000.00 U.S. dollars will

                require the approval of all Executive Officers.

          C). The President shall  appoint the chairman of all committees unless

                otherwise provided for by the foundation.

          D). The President shall call special meetings whenever he/she deem them

                necessary or at the written request of seven members.

          E). The President shall see that the laws of the Foundation are enforced.

          F). The President shall order an annual internal audit to be conducted by the

                Treasurer and the president or an appointed committee.

          G). The President shall have the authority to utilize a Foundation Debit Card

                 for purchases, not to exceed $500,  used to conduct Foundation

                 business. Signed receipts shall be forwarded to the Treasurer and

                 brought before the General Membership at the next scheduled meeting.

2. First Vice President

          A). The First Vice President shall assist the president in the performance of

                his/her duties. In the absence of the President or in the event of death,

                resignation or expulsion his/her powers and duties shall be exercised by

                the First Vice President in their respective order.

          B). In the absence of the President or during the inability of same, the first

                Vice President shall approve (via email or written) all checks, together

                with a signature of the Treasurer and a written approval of the President.

                Said approval must be brought before the General Membership at the

                next scheduled meeting.

          C). The First Vice President shall choose the solicitor for the Foundation to

                serve during his/her term.

Duties of Executive Officers (con’t)

3. Second Vice President

          A). The Second Vice President shall assist the First Vice President in the

                performance of his/her duties. In the absence of the First Vice President

                or in the event of death, resignation or expulsion his/her powers and

                duties shall be exercised by the Second Vice President in their respective


          B). The Second Vice President shall be the principal liaison officer between

                the Executive Officers and the Directors.

4. Treasurer

          A). The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and monetary earnings of

                 the Foundation, and all books, papers, and related documents.

          B). The Treasurer shall deposit all such funds in a bank account, in the name

                of the Delaware County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation.

          C). The Treasurer shall sign all checks, together with the approval (via email

                or written) of the President or First Vice President with the President’s

                approval,  not to exceed the amount of $5000.00 U.S. dollars. Any single

                expenditure over the amount of $5000.00 U.S. dollars will require the

                approval of all Executive Officers.

          E).  The Treasurer shall have the authority to utilize a Foundation Debit Card

                 for purchases, not to exceed $500,  used to conduct Foundation

                 business. Signed receipts shall be obtained and brought before the

                General Membership at the next scheduled meeting.

5. Secretary

          A). The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all motions and

                discussions during the meeting and provide a copy of such documents at

                the next meeting for all members to view.

          B). The Secretary or the President shall sign documentary papers and

                correspondence received or written by him/her.

          C). The Secretary shall keep on file a copy of all documents, papers, and

                correspondence and also keep a master copy of the Constitution, By-

                Laws, the Rules and Regulations.

          D). The Secretary shall keep a list of all members and associate members.

Article 6

Duties of Directors

1-    Directors shall support the purpose and mission of this Foundation.

2-    Directors shall attend all General Membership meetings.

3-    In the event that the President, First Vice President and Second Vice President are not present at a regular or special meeting of the Foundation, a President Pro Tem shall be elected from one of the Directors present. In the case of emergencies, the President Pro Tem along with the present Director shall have the authority to act for the best interest of the Foundation and their action shall be binding upon the Foundation.

4-    Directors along with the Executive Officers shall have final approval of the fallen Law Enforcement Officer’s name to be placed on the Memorial. The decision shall be by two-thirds majority vote, following the recommendation of the Inclusion Committee. 

Article 7

Membership Meetings

1-  There shall be a meeting of the General Membership scheduled at the

      discretion of the Executive Officers as deemed necessary.

2-  The General Membership Meetings shall be held at a location, date, and time

      to be determined by the Executive Officers.

3-  A quorum of thirty percent (30%) of the Board of Directors including

      two (2) Executive Officers shall be necessary for the transaction of business.

4-  In the absence of the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice

      President, any member may call the meeting to order and a President Pro Tem

      is named.

5-  Directors shall meet whenever there is business to conduct and when the

     meeting is reasonable to the majority of Directors, which shall be scheduled by

     the Secretary.

6- At “Special Meetings” no business shall be transacted except for the business


Article 8

Nominations, Election, and Installation of Directors

1- The Nominations of Candidates and Election of Directors for the Foundation

    shall take place at the General Membership Meeting before the present

    Directors terms expiration.

2- The Election of Directors shall be by secret ballot provided for that purpose,

     listing the names of all candidates. If unopposed, there will be no need for a

     secret ballot. All members in good standing while present at said General

     Membership Meeting, shall be entitled to one (1) vote for the Director position


3- On the date of the election, the President shall appoint an Election Board

     consisting of three (3) members in good standing, one (1) to act as the Judge

     of Election, and the remaining two (2) as tellers.

4- Upon completion of the voting, the Judge of Election (member) shall report the

     results to the General Membership. The candidate who receives the highest

     number of votes shall be declared the elected winner.

5- In case of a tie vote, the President shall order a new ballot, which shall be taken

     immediately in the same manner herein prescribed. If needed, the secretary

     shall cast the deciding vote.

6- Installation exercises for the Directors-elect shall be held at the first General

     Membership Meeting of the New Year. They shall assume their stations in the

     Foundation as the first order of business.

7- Once nominations are complete, no nominees may be accepted from the floor.

8- A candidate need not be present at a meeting to be nominated for a position,

    but a written form of acceptance must be received by the president prior to the

    meeting when nominations are made.

Article 9

Rules for Meetings

1- All points of Law and Order shall be guided by the Constitution, By-Laws, and

    Rules and Regulations of the Foundation, and where those are silent, then by

    Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.

2- At all meetings of the Foundation, the Order of Business shall be as follows:

          A. Call to Order     B. Allegiance to the Flag    C. Moment of Silence

          D. Roll Call Sheet (Secretary to Take Attendance)

          E  Reading of the Secretary’s Report (Minutes of prior meetings)

          F. Reading of the Treasurer’s Report

          G. Bill and Communications

          H. Report of Standing / Special Committees

          I.  Old / Unfinished Business

          J.  New Business

          K. Good of the Foundation

          L. Adjournment

3- The consideration & voting on motions shall take place in the following


          After a proposal has been duly motioned and seconded, it shall be put to the

          floor for a vote. The vote may be cast by a verbal “aye” or “nay” method,

          through a show of hands in favor of the proposal counted against a show of

          hands not in favor of the proposal, or if requested by a member, a written

          secret ballot vote on any proposal placed before the membership.

4- The consideration and voting on motions electronically shall take place in the

     following manner:

          After a proposal, to the Executive Officers and the Board of Directors, has

          been duly motioned and seconded, it shall be put to an electronic vote. The

          vote can be cast by email or text message and must indicate “aye” (yes) or

          “nay” (no) in written form. Those members will have 48 hours to respond to

          an electronic proposal. Those members who fail to respond within the

          specified time will be treated as if absent a seated meeting. Electronic

          motions may only be used to conduct business between scheduled

          meetings when a vote can’t wait until the date of next meeting. Electronic

          voting may not be used to make changes to the By-Laws.

Article 10

Foundation Committees

1-  Memorial Day Committee:

      Shall plan, coordinate, and oversee the annual memorial service for the


2-  Hero/Inclusion Committee:

      Shall gather information pertaining to the death of any Law Enforcement

      Officer, associated with Delaware County, who has died in the line of duty.

      They shall obtain the identification of the fallen Law Enforcement Officers

      (heroes) and the circumstances surrounding their death. The information shall

      be reviewed and a recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval

      onto the memorial may be made. The committee shall be guided by the

      Delaware County Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation’s Criteria for


3-  Legal Committee:

      Shall oversee all legal matters of the Foundation. When needed, they shall

      make recommendations to the solicitor.

4-  Constitution and By-Laws Committee:

      Shall keep current the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations.

5-  Membership Committee:

      The committee shall assist the Secretary with distribution of correspondence

      directed towards the general membership. The Committee shall review

      applicants for general membership.

6-  Web/Internet Committee:

      Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Web Site and any Internet

      related business.

Foundation Committees (con’t)

7-  Ways and Means Committee:

      Will devise ways and means of increasing the funds of the Foundation

      throughout the year. They will have charge of and supervise the running of

      these plans. All monies made by these plans shall be turned over to the

      committee chairperson, who shall turn same over to the President and/or


8-  Monument Committee:

      Shall be responsible for the design, and care, and maintenance of the


9-  Survivor Support Committee:

      Shall render immediate support to any and all Survivors of Fallen Officers

      associated with Delaware County Law Enforcement.

10-Special Committee:

     Shall be responsible for the duties for which they are assigned.

Article 11


1- Vacancies among the Executive Officers and Directors shall be filled

     immediately by the President, and his/her placement shall be voted on by a

     two-thirds (2/3) majority of the membership present at the next general

Article 12


1- These Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations shall not be revised,

     added to, or amended unless the proposed revision, addition, or

     amendment is presented in writing at a regularly stated membership

     meeting, at which time they shall be received and entered into the minutes

     and tabled until the next regular stated membership meeting. They shall

     require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present for their

     amendments, as they will be posted in a conspicuous place for the entire

     membership to review (ex. The Web Site).

Rules & Regulations

Incorporated into the By-Laws during revision (January 9, 2013).

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